Soldiers Support Local Farmers: A Boost for Amuleme's Economy

    Soldiers Support Local Farmers: A Boost for Amuleme's Economy

    PUNCAK - In a heartwarming initiative, the Raider Infantry Battalion 323/Buaya Putih Kostrad of the Indonesian Armed Forces is helping local farmers in Amuleme Village. On October 21, 2024, they launched the "ROSITA" program, where soldiers bought agricultural products directly from villagers, strengthening community ties and boosting the local economy.

    Led by First Lieutenant Caroko, the soldiers took time during their routine security duties to engage with the community. Lieutenant Colonel Tri Wiratno, commander of the 323 Task Forces, highlighted the importance of supporting local livelihoods. “It’s not just about security; it’s about caring for the community, ” he stated.

    During the ROSITA program, soldiers used their own money to purchase items, building personal connections with the sellers. Local farmer Mrs. Marta Sondegau expressed her appreciation, saying, “Thank you, Commander 323. God bless.” Such interactions foster a sense of warmth and camaraderie between the soldiers and the residents.

    The initiative has received recognition from Brigadier General Lucky Avianto, the HABEMA Commanding General. He commended the 323 Task Forces for their efforts to uplift the local economy and support development in Papua. “This initiative shows our commitment to helping the people and fostering progress in the region, ” he noted.

    The ROSITA program not only aids local farmers but also strengthens the bond between the military and the community, paving the way for a brighter future in Amuleme.

    Authenticity Check:
    Dansatgas Media HABEMA, Kolonel Arh Yogi Nugroho.

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